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Three Hpg strains were isolated from different chickens affected with infectious coryza.
Mumps, acute coryza, and rubella are of the same frequency among the two groups.
MEASLES (German).-Chilliness ,slightfever, pain in the back and legs, coryza.
A measles case was defined as fever and rash and one or more of cough, coryza or conjunctivitis.
Homais asked to be allowed to keep on his skull-cap, for fear of coryza; then, turning to his neighbour-
These results demonstrated that the outbreaks of infectious coryza caused by serotype A and C strains had occurred in Indonesia.
Human adenovirus is an important cause of febrile illness affecting mainly respiratory system ranging from pharyngitis, coryza to fatal pneumonia.
When the nasal membrane is irritated by a violent coryza (cold in the head) the taste is entirely obliterated.
A thin, watery discharge may be composed of serum, and it occurs in the earlier stages of coryza, or nasal catarrh.
Causes.-Acutecoryza, acute pharyngitis, influenza, scarlet fever, inflammation of the eustachian tube, gargling, bathing, employing the nasal douche or violently blowing the nose.
No influence on colonization rates was found for sex, race, season, economic status, or common childhood infectious diseases such as coryza or otitis media.
Coryza, or nasal catarrh,-commonlycalled a cold in the head,-isnot very common among cows.
Three Hpg strains were isolated from different chickens affected with infectious coryza.
Mumps, acute coryza, and rubella are of the same frequency among the two groups.
MEASLES (German).-Chilliness ,slightfever, pain in the back and legs, coryza.
A measles case was defined as fever and rash and one or more of cough, coryza or conjunctivitis.