Characteristic of country life.
Examples for "homespun"
Examples for "homespun"
1Other computer companies, however, have tried the homespun direct-marketing approach and failed.
2TESTER embroidered in crewels in shades of blue on white homespun linen.
3Underwear and sleeping garments were made of the natural colored homespun cloth.
4The men wore shoes made of bark and homespun shirts and coats.
5Rawhide was used in place of lines, and homespun garments were uniform.
1The 48-minute address was classic Clinton: folksy, funny and at times professorial.
2Their motel has been taken over by pensioners -folksy tributes remain.
3A young couple check into a folksy B&B on a winter's night.
4Marguerite Roberts put some perky, folksy spin on it four decades ago.
5It is not as fashionable as Coachella or as folksy as Bonnaroo.
1You just be sure and tell everyone back home that I ain't no cracker-barrel fishball.
2As each guest surfaced from the cracker-barrel he fielded them with a patronising show of interest.
3Plot holes, cracker-barrel philosophizing and the decision to set a climactic scene offscreen serve to undo all their fine work.
4I'll have no grasping tyrants sittin' 'round on my cracker-barrels!
5"You said," he proceeded, "that you wouldn't have them sitting 'round on your cracker-barrels."
6"Can we skip the cracker-barrel stuff?"