Aún no tenemos significados para "creative faculty".
1After that, I hope to be able to recreate my creative faculty.
2For will is the creative faculty in man as well as in God.
3The creative faculty is the most inalienable and uncontrollable of individualities.
4The wand is a modern invention; to deny its effective creative faculty is absurd.
5The gods have given you the golden gift-thecreative faculty.
6They have no initiative, no creative faculty, no mental curiosity or reflexes or reactions.
7So it will be found that men with the creative faculty have always been lovers.
8Loneliness, after all, the best of Muses, had stimulated the creative faculty of his being.
9Love is inspiration; it encourages to great deeds, and develops the creative faculty of our nature.
10We have limited the creative faculty too much and have used it for too trivial ends.
11It seems that the creative faculty, and the critical faculty, cannot exist together in their highest perfection.
12We call the imagination the creative faculty.
13This receptive- creative faculty is the gift George Sand received, and this preface is the keynote to it.
14He did not possess the creative faculty.
15There was no vivid enthusiasm, no remark of striking originality, no flash of the self-kindling, creative faculty.
16That creative faculty of the eye, upon which Mr. De Quincey dwells so strongly, I have myself experienced.
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