Algonquian language spoken across Canada.
Group of First Nations peoples.
1Perhaps even its churring cree call that sounds almost like a female kiwi.
2Mr. McDougall had a service in Cree; Bishop Grandin and the Rev.
3Better an unknown than Cree Bega, whose leadership was established and effective.
4The Cree from the Gray Otter drove in on his way north.
5Cree spokeswoman Erin Grohs also denied that any deal had been reached.
6Not so the Indian; he hissed out, It is a Cree dog.
7Of Cree Bega and Federation Commander Aden Kett, she saw no sign.
8The Cree stopped the sled right away so West could get up.
9With the sixth came again the thunderous roar of the Cree's single-loader.
10The new-comer proved to be a Cree Indian travelling to Fort Pelly.
11Instead of descending, however, he turned round and shouted loudly in Cree-
12The Cree lived there alone, it appeared, and trapped for a living.
13I am a Cree chief, and twenty of my braves are friendly.
14His Cree wife was not just now able to look after him.
15Two years before, Tusoo, the Cree trapper, had called this his domain.
16Years passed, and Louise married a man whose Cree name is The-Man-Who-Looks-Like-Silver.