Italian navigator who discovered the New World in the service of Spain while looking for a route to China (1451-1506)
Examples for "Columbus"
Examples for "Columbus"
1However, Atkinson answered for Columbus on a transition goal three minutes later.
2This year the city is celebrating the fifth centennial of Columbus birth.
3Most Performed Work in New Zealand 2009 Award presented by Ray Columbus.
4The third and final meeting takes place on March 28 in Columbus.
5It's Duclair's second goal in four games since coming over from Columbus.
1Another revered figure was Christopher Columbus and, in later years, Franklin Roosevelt.
2The life of Christopher Columbus contains much to inspire the present-day youth.
3You'd need Christopher Columbus's skills to discover the location of the lifts.
4The Italian Christopher Columbus gave up on Portugal and tried Spain instead.
5This is the story of Christopher Columbus, the man who discovered America.
1Among the advocates of the western route was a Genoese mariner by the name of Cristoforo Colombo.
2Better give it up, Cristoforo Colombo, and make charts for a living the rest of your days.
3Signora Casella was another operatic composer, her " Cristoforo Colombo" having been produced at Nice in 1865.
4But beggars can not be choosers, and Cristoforo Colombo might be thankful that he could get anybody for his fool's errand!
5To many of us "eating Italian" is a favorite experience, and what could be a better excuse for a "festa Italiana" than " Cristoforo Colombo Day".
1The men swarmed up the sides of the Cristobal Colon like cats.
2The Cristobal Colon was running along the northern coast of Cuba now.
3The Cristobal Colon has a complement of five hundred officers and men.
4Surrender the Cristobal Colon back to Captain Moret or you die!'
5A great reception was given to the Cristobal Colon as she steamed into port.
6One of the most popular dives is the Cristobal Colon.
7Those on board of the Cristobal Colon were astounded at the action of the gun-boat.
8Only one of the Spanish cruisers remained,-theCristobal Colon.
9Already the Nashville and the Cristobal Colon were under way, steaming rapidly out of the harbor.
10The Cristobal Colon would have a bad time if the two ships came to close quarters.
11Don Cristobal Colon, our Admiral of the Ocean:
12The Cristobal Colon was on a shoal.
13The Cristobal Colon hove in view.
14There remained now of the Spanish ships only the Cristobal Colon, but she was their best and fastest vessel.
15The Cristobal Colon is ours!
16First among them came the men of the Cristobal Colon, and these were the best looking of all the captives.
Translations for cristobal colon