Group of fans who are highly dedicated to a specific area of culture.
1It has now achieved cult status on club playlists in several European countries.
2Malco's Jay has a good shot at rising to cult status.
3With this second tale of strange obsessions, cult status might beckon.
4Still others are read by a handful and earn cult status.
5Many have even gone as far as earning cult status for their adopted countries.
6In time the car would achieve cult status and become a tremendous global success.
7Lord Buckethead cemented his cult status and the 'neon family' nailed the dressing up.
8Of course, the film's success hangs largely around the cult status of the show.
9The Genetic Opera is a low-budget horror musical desperately looking to achieve cult status.
10He then moved to England and achieved cult status with his novel Riddley Walker.
11The subterranean bistro also had cult status as a hangout for actors and thespians.
12Somehow, that apparent cult status told you that this guy was a bit special.
13Some of her designs, like the fixed-gear Pista, have been elevated to cult status.
14The film received a mixed response on its release but achieved cult status on video.
15CEO Lei Jun developed a cult status akin to the late Apple founder Steve Jobs.
16And, later in life, he also achieved something of a cult status within gay circles.
Translations for cult status