Pair of lines of metre in poetry; two line stanza making complete sense.
Popular risqué Spanish theatre song style.
Examples for "couplet"
Examples for "couplet"
1The honored antiquity of it is preserved in the anonymous English couplet:
2I remember the following couplet in allusion to the King and himself:
3The heroic couplet in which it was cast was the standard metre.
4And there is all the lifetime of a proverb in the couplet-
5The first number in each couplet represented a line on page 186.
1The stanza containing the distich ends with a striking piece of realism:
2In this distich is comprised the noblest panegyrick, and the most important instruction.
3The opening distich indicates that the poem is addressed to Tuticanus.
4Garrick immediately said his epitaph was finished, and spoke the following distich extempore:
5Augustin caused to have written on the walls a distich, which ran thus: