These were of three complete divisions on each wall, and have cusped heads.
It contains three pointed and cusped lancets on each side, and is without buttresses.
It is a small window with a cusped head and a square label-mould above it.
You have seen such cusped arches before, you think?
The side sections of the screen terminate in ogee arches, elaborately cusped and crocketed, with perpendicular tracery in the spandrils.
If the mitral cuspidate valves do not prevent the egress of fuliginous vapours to the lungs, how should they oppose the escape of air?
'Well, I never knew a cuspidate to come so hard.
Uso de cuspate en inglés
Green roofs are usually installed on flat roofs with vegetation planted in a growing medium on top of waterproofing, root barrier and cuspate sheeting.