Thus, it appears important to distinguish them from other cysticneoplasms and non-neoplastic cysts.
Approximately 90% of these lesions are serous cysticneoplasms or mucin-producing neoplasms.
These tumors, which correspond to the most frequent cysticneoplasms, are encountered with increasing frequency.
We report a series of 10 papillary cysticneoplasms of the pancreas evaluated in our institution.
One legacy of the early period is the statement that mucinous cysticneoplasms sometimes progress to invasive colloid carcinoma.
The various subgroups of cysticneoplasms of the pancreas are evaluated and compared through a review of current literature.
Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms manifest a much greater latent or overt malignant potential than other cysticneoplasms of the pancreas.
Radiographic evaluation demonstrated solid to cysticneoplasms ranging from 3 to 20 cm in diameter.
Conclusion: Serous cysticneoplasms of the pancreas carry a realistic risk of malignancy despite the general view that they never become malignant.
Despite this classification, intraductal oncocytic papillary neoplasms have been compared to mucinous cysticneoplasms in previous studies and the classification is still questioned.
In contrast to serous cystadenomas which are nearly always benign, the mucinous cysticneoplasms represent a more diverse, heterogeneous spectrum of related neoplasms.
The location of PCN in male patients was predominantly located at pancreatic head and neck, and majority of male patients were mucinous cysticneoplasms.
Primary cysticneoplasms of the pancreas constitute a rare entity and are composed of a variety of neoplasms with a wide range of malignant potential.