Mints, gilias, nemophilas, castilleias, and innumerable compositae were so crowded together that, had ninety-nine per cent.
The most characteristic of the newcomers at this elevation above the sea are principally sun-loving gilias, eriogonae, and compositae, and finally forest-trees.
They showed us a plant of the compositae order, twenty feet high (the Eupatorium laevigatum of Lamarck), the rose of Belveria,* (* Brownea racemosa.)
In the Compositae, Cnicus palustris and acaulis are said by Sir J.E.
I was struck with your remark about the Compositae, etc.
This species belongs to the Asteraceae family and is endemic to the Mediterranean region.
A widespread summer weed in the asterfamily; it is native to North America but has become invasive worldwide.
Jerusalem artichokes come from North America and are part of the sunflowerfamily.
They arrived, all dirty and knobbly, looking more like a sad potato than a member of the sunflowerfamily.
The advancing summer introduces many flowers of the sunflowerfamily, until in August the plains are one blaze of yellow and purple.
Uso de daisy family en inglés
Among these are (or were, for some of them are now extinct) forest trees belonging to the daisyfamily.
The wild slender button daisy , a small creeping member of the daisyfamily, was also rediscovered at Molesworth Station - by Wairau ranger Jan Clayton-Greene.