Aún no tenemos significados para "dangle in".
1Claudia held up the blank test and let it dangle in the air between them.
2He held it up for the other to see, letting it dangle in the light.
3My feet dangle in the air, no foothold anywhere.
4Jack let the phone dangle in his hand.
5Cables hang from her deck, workmen dangle in baskets carrying out last- minute cleaning and painting.
6Ireland's low corporation-tax rate is not just the lure we dangle in front of multinational investors.
7Old clothesmen, likewise, dwelt hard by, and hung out ancient garments to dangle in the wind.
8Alternatively, what could Ferguson dangle in front of Carlo Ancelotti as a carrot to come to Manchester?
9Lord and Lady, but he knew just how much carrot to dangle in front of most women.
10Hyron Baha bowed formally, letting the red beads in his hair dangle in front of his face.
11If you were my employer, I could explain my technique. I let the sentence dangle in the air.
12Don't shoot him-don'teven break his legs- Iwantto see them dangle in front of the court-house door.
13He let the words dangle in the air a moment and saw that Siv sat up straighter in her chair.
14They swam with quiverings of their four leaflike arms, letting the opulent tresses of their tentacles dangle in the drift.
15They dangle in shop windows, looking out as if begging onlookers to take them home and bring them to life.
16In one vast installation, many sheets dangle in thin air -a hanging garden of miniature drawings, scintillating before you.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Dangle in a través del tiempo
Dangle in por variante geográfica
Estados Unidos de América