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Significados de dapper figure en inglés
Aún no tenemos significados para "dapper figure".
Uso de dapper figure en inglés
There the startlingly agile dapperfigure struggled to throw off his captor.
He still cuts a dapperfigure in felt hat, scarf and neat suit.
Soon the dapperfigure of Bessie appeared in the room.
Miss Edgeworth was very short, and carried herself very upright, with a dapperfigure and quick movements.
A moment later the temperamental peer's dapperfigure became visible in silhouette against a background of pale light.
Inside there's a pencilled illustration of a dapperfigure explaining that foreign-language television drama is his life's passion.
A big crowd had assembled when the car swept up to the door, and a dapperfigure stepped out.
For the dapperfigure wheeled quietly and quickly about and stooped down at the very side of the humming patrolman.
The air stirred the leaves of the old Walnuts outside: the black-coated, dapperfigure had not yet passed from under them.
The impression left upon her memory by his brief appearance at the night club had been that of a small, dapperfigure.
He seemed to catapult out at the stooping dapperfigure, bearing it to the sidewalk with the sheer weight of his unprovoked assault.
A stocky but dapperfigure who wears tailor-made traditional Indian clothes and sports a neatly trimmed white beard, Modi sat passively as accolades flew.
"-TheBronx," said Heat, "I'm familiar." Just then she saw the dapperfigure of Alejandro Martinez walking down the sidewalk toward them.