A television serial about the lives of melodramatic characters, which are often filled with strong emotions, highly dramatic situations and suspense.
Examples for "story"
Examples for "story"
1That was the problem with this story-everyanswer led to another question.
2Does ownership affect the way a particular paper covers a particular story?
3The long title story here is a good example of this process.
4New housing figures out today tell an interesting story, particularly about Auckland.
5In recent years, the food processing industry has been a success story.
1You must continue to use alcohol-based hand sanitizers, hot water and soap.
2Use hot water and soap, and wash for a good 20 seconds.
3Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
4She saw in mirrors, cups of water; in soap-bubbles, the coming future.
5The lack of soap, hot water, bread, books, films, metal, paper, cloth?
1Everybody needs good neighbours, as the Australian soap opera's theme song begins.
2Nightflyers breaks up the space-horror tension with good old-fashioned soap opera fare.
3IN THE 1980S I religiously watched every prime-time American soap opera going.
4Moses Bedemier must have read himself to sleep with soap opera gossip.
5The greatest soap opera on Earth has entered a bizarre new episode.
1Oscar winners like Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt and Julianne Moore all got their starts on daytime serials.
2In the history of soap opera, only a few writers have seriously tried to improve the quality of daytime serials.