Down went the Galu and Kro-lu warriors like tenpins before that deadlyfusillade.
The deadlyfusillade from our guns had no perceptible effect.
Four of them went down before that deadlyfusillade; but the mucker cursed beneath his breath because of his two misses.
From the sheltering trees a deadlyfusillade swept the hapless files of those who were hemmed about on the rising ground.
A dozen shots had been fired from Number Eight alone, when suddenly another fort secured the range, and began a deadlyfusillade.
Gardenier's men had recovered their senses as well, and, pouring in a deadlyfusillade, dashed furiously forward with clubbed muskets upon the unmasked foe.
Someone could have been severely hurt or even killed by such a deadlyfusillade, but there was no one there, either inside or out.