Describing a set for which there exists an algorithm that will determine whether any element is or is not within the set in a finite amount of time.
Examples for "recursive"
Examples for "recursive"
1You wind up with these endlessly recursive causal loops in time travel.
2With recursive aliasing available it would seem possible to create an infinite loop:
3Feature subset selection is performed using support vector machines with recursive feature elimination.
4Lately Apple is trying to throw itself down a recursive rabbit-hole.
5It's recursive and affecting in ways Black Mirror: Bandersnatch wishes it could be.
1If that's the case, then our universe is both computable and finite.
2This computable phenotype could be used in large-scale comparative-effectiveness trials.
3To guide early development, multiple computable phenotype-defined cohorts were compared to one institution's tumor registry.
4We compared clinical and demographic characteristics of patients identified by computable phenotype and the registry.
5Many computable phenotypes rely on multiple types of data within the EHR including prescription drug information.