Where entertainment is provided only for directors, partners or sole proprietors, this is not seen as a deductibleexpense.
GM's $900 million payment will be treated as a penalty, and the automaker cannot treat it as a deductibleexpense.
The decision to restore interest relief as a deductibleexpense when calculating tax on residential rental income reverses a decision taken in April 1998.
But a company spokesman said yesterday the £24,595 involved was not treated as a deductibleexpense for company tax purposes.
It covers all deductibleexpenses and can be used by multiple people working from home in the same house.
The break is the 11th biggest for taxpayers after such deductibleexpenses as employer-provided health coverage and home-mortgage interest, according to White House data.
That Wisconsin taxable profits could well have been converted into tax- deductibleexpenses by paying royalties and interest to family-owned subsidiaries in low-tax and no-tax jurisdictions.