Aún no tenemos significados para "deemed worth".
1A technique that countless Earthlings deemed worth spreading across the stars.
2Hereford is one of the handful of places he deemed worth mentioning outside the Holy Land.
3Nothing else that can be deemed worth mentioning happened to Mamsell Fredrika before New Year's night.
4Japanese people don't like to pay less for a product than it is deemed worth, as it suggests inferiority.
5The Tipperary politician is a self-pitying cheat and a liar -yet still his career is deemed worth celebrating.
6On the battle-field itself the slain lay thick, scalped, and stripped of all their clothing which the conquerors deemed worth taking.
7Live, attenuated viruses can cause inflammation and other adverse reactions, but that may be deemed worth the risk given Ebola's high fatality rate.
8The beef that was killed at this time was deemed worth eighteen-pence per pound, and at that price was sold to the soldiers.
9They had cut up the moose meat, which they had found in good condition, and brought all they deemed worth saving down to the landing.
10A pool of 20,000 have been "subjects of interest " but not deemed worth investigating further as posing a danger of involvement in attacks.
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