Spanish ombudsman of the Cortes Generales; responsible for defending fundamental rights and liberties of citizens by supervising the activity of public administrations.
Ver más 1 The defender of the people 's will versus a parliament that wishes to defy it.
2 Did that become the defender of the people of England?
3 It portrayed my father as some kind of saint, a defender of the people and pillar of the community.
4 One life, one death is fated for us both, as defenders of the people 's rights.
5 They say they are the true keepers of the republican flame, the defenders of the people of Derry.
6 The bishops of Utrecht, no longer the defenders of the people against arbitrary power, conducted themselves like little popes.
7 The Tiphaines declared that the three men were always plotting evil to the government; the Liberals admired them as the defenders of the people .
8 "Your side would not import, but reduce us all-wewho are the defenders of the people - to being slaves," he said with some asperity.
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Translations for defender of the people