The defendant and his legal advisors collectively.
Examples for "defence"
Examples for "defence"
1The treaty also made a future EU common defence subject to safeguards.
2National's defence spokesperson Mark Mitchell today said the government should remain independent.
3The region is extremely important from the country's defence point of view.
4Recent international events should remind us of the need for strong defence.
5Civil defence officials said there had been no immediate reports of damage.
1Long discussion of how the defense of Western Europe affects arms control.
2For example, the fighting season began without a new Afghan defense minister.
3There's no possible reason left for keeping information from your defense staff.
4But the new defense budget doesn't axe a single major weapons system.
5The U.S. defense chief later mentioned the issue at his news conference.
1Both the government and Stone's defense team rested their cases on Tuesday.
2Duarte's defense team will then decide whether to agree to his extradition.
3The physician's defense team had asked for just a two week delay.
4Bulger's defense team said reviewing the voluminous discovery would take more time.
5A representative for Stoyanov's defense team declined to comment for this article.
1At that time, defense lawyers often will ask about their clients' status.
2U.S. authorities said they never provided that information to the defense lawyers.
3Prosecutors have given defense lawyers the information as part of pretrial proceedings.
4Gupta's defense lawyers contend that the government has a weak circumstantial case.
5The defense lawyers on the case could not be reached for comment.
6Rizzo on Thursday asked that the city pay for his defense lawyers.
7Five o'clock on Friday was always a bad time for defense lawyers.
8Osborn also ruled on the role Hasan's former defense lawyers will play.
9Prosecutors in the case improperly withheld evidence from Stevens' defense lawyers.
10Downing's statements outside the courthouse had raised eyebrows among defense lawyers.
11Bales' civilian defense lawyers have suggested he was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.
12There was real hostility between the police & the defense lawyers.
13The court appointed defense lawyers after she and Browder refused to do so.
14Simpson, acquitted when defense lawyers argued he was framed by police.
15You missed it because you wanted to miss it, like all defense lawyers.
16However, the defense lawyers didn't say whether they would waive the immunity hearing outright.
Translations for defense lawyers