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Significados de diligent enquiry en inglés
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Uso de diligent enquiry en inglés
But though he made the most diligentenquiry, he could discover nothing definite.
After diligentenquiry Tiaan located the shipping offices.
As this was an object of equal curiosity and importance, diligentenquiry was immediately made from whence it came.
On the morrow, by very diligentenquiry, he found out Mac Fane's lodgings; but he had not been at home all night.
But for deserters and mutineers he made the most diligentenquiry, and their punishment was most severe: other delinquencies he would connive at.
I visited 70 of the largest cathedrals, and, after diligentenquiry, found only one Bible, and that a Protestant Bible about to be burned-Dr
Diligentenquiry there, in likely and unlikely places, proved fruitless.
He visited a number of adjacent towns and made diligentenquiries at hotels, stores, and some private houses.
"Do not fear, Lawrence, I shall make diligentenquiries, you may be sure."
Their Facebook page later released a photo of the incident, adding that officers "had made diligentenquiries in the local community to locate this individual."