Aún no tenemos significados para "dimly discernible".
1Shrouded in the tropical twilight, the landscape below was but dimly discernible.
2Look further out, though, and the sunlit uplands are dimly discernible.
3Her hand, dimly discernible in the dusk of the June stars, was invitingly near.
4Nick it was, stationed at a discreet distance, but dimly discernible in the darkness.
5Under it was the dimly discernible, dust-veiled form of a horseman riding at full speed.
6Overhead the great arches faded away from foundations of dimly discernible capitals into utter blackness.
7Ahead, dimly discernible against the night sky, there appeared to be a thinning of the woods.
8Some dark object was dimly discernible at the man's feet; the officer could not make it out.
9The mare was only dimly discernible, and she, like their own horses, was going at full speed.
10The boys, dimly discernible in the darkness against the lumps of black earth, began to dig the grave.
11Through the fog the forms of the three men on the look-out on the forecastle were dimly discernible.
12The foot of a man was dimly discernible in the shadow, protruding from behind a great earthen jar.
13The outline of the great stones, dimly discernible through the wall-paper, was singularly suggestive of a fortress thinly disguised.
14A little later they passed over the dimly discernible coast line, some thirty or forty miles to the east of Galveston.
15Looking below, the sea appeared as white as milk in the ghastly light, with the ship's outline now dimly discernible in contrast.
16Aladdin rode on and on, courageously if not wisely, and came in time to the dimly discernible outbuildings of a Virginia mansion.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Dimly discernible por variante geográfica