"Discrimination Against Women" is the opposite of:
1Equality Act 2010 means no hiding place for shameful discrimination against women.
2This is how men convince themselves that discrimination against women is okay.
3The Government is once again offering to do something about discrimination against women.
4Salary discrimination against women remains widespread across Europe according to a report issued today.
5Some voters argued electability can be shorthand for discrimination against women or minority candidates.
6Critics say the new laws effectively legalise discrimination against women and the country's minority Muslims.
7Critics say the new laws effectively legalize discrimination against women and the country's minority Muslims.
8Corruption is widespread, as is discrimination against women, gays and other groups, the report said.
9Olympic champion Katie Taylor has compared discrimination against the travelling community to discrimination against women's boxing.
10That historic discrimination against women in public life?
11Add torture of detainees, systematic discrimination against women and religious communities, and epidemic-levels of sexual violence.
12However, activists warn that new proposals, if passed, would reinforce discrimination against women and restrict women's rights.
13Girls of her generation grew up seeing laws correct centuries of employment discrimination against women and minorities.
14Correspondents including Katya Adler and Lyse Doucet have also backed the move to end discrimination against women.
15He also warned that new legislation under discussion risked deepening the problem of discrimination against women and minorities.
16It was only with the laws designed to end legal discrimination against women that they even became possible.
Translations for discrimination against women