Aún no tenemos significados para "do abroad".
1What can the little owlet do abroad at this hour of the night?
2That sort of thing may do abroad but we don't allow it here.
3Regulators cooperate much more closely with central government policymakers in China than they do abroad.
4The banks argue that the United States has no jurisdiction over what they do abroad.
5That is also what she can do abroad, and had done with some success in Argentina.
6With regard to foreign affairs, everything you do abroad may and ought to tend that way.
7But then, say you, he should have told me what he was going to do abroad.
8The mandate of China's diplomatic corps is largely determined by the work its state-owned companies do abroad.
9What will I do abroad? he said.
10Whatever as a woman she could not do in the home she cannot do abroad as a working-woman.
11Be a trump and rub my forehead with cologne as you used to do abroad when I had a headache.
12Nor does he really do abroad, having only got a passport in December to allow him to play a tournament in Mexico.
13In December, U.S. banks sued the CFTC over the so-called cross-border rules, arguing that U.S. had no jurisdiction over what they do abroad.
14Leaning over, I put a hand on his nostrils and whispered in his ear for a silence, as we do abroad in ambuscade.
15If you move toward a protectionist stance, you also limit what your domestic companies can do abroad, said Christine Hersey, analyst at Wedbush Morgan.
16If the men of war had no longer anything to do abroad, there was great fear that work might be found for them at home.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Do abroad a través del tiempo
Do abroad por variante geográfica