Aún no tenemos significados para "dramatic reduction".
1Yet the current crisis has led to a dramatic reduction in flotations.
2COG complex mutants exhibit a dramatic reduction in Golgi-specific glycosylation and other defects.
3This led to a real and dramatic reduction in the number of infant deaths.
4Mutation of the HNF-1 site resulted in a dramatic reduction in SRC promoter activity.
5One obviously can't go for some dramatic reduction in peacekeeping.
6The company said the data showed a dramatic reduction in patient need for protein infusions.
7But how could such a dramatic reduction be achieved?
8Active and passive immunotherapeutic approaches result in dramatic reduction of Aβ pathology in AD animal models.
9Global warming is causing a dramatic reduction in Arctic sea and land ice and thawing permafrost.
10On the contrary, DFMO determined a dramatic reduction of tTG expression and of the apoptotic index.
11The first-ever aerial survey of Africa's savannah elephants has shown a dramatic reduction in their numbers.
12There has been a dramatic reduction in the number of road deaths during the past 20 years.
13Whether this dramatic reduction in transmission will be sustained following cessation of MDA remains to be seen.
14In contrast, blocking DLL4 leads to dramatic reduction of inflammatory T cell responses and their-mediated tissue damage.
15Our results show that tetracycline treatment leads to dramatic reduction or clearance of Wolbachia from the nematode.
16This will result in a dramatic reduction.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Dramatic reduction a través del tiempo
Dramatic reduction por variante geográfica
Estados Unidos de América