Aún no tenemos significados para "drift snow".
1Wind alone would not have been so bad; drift snow accompanied it in overwhelming amount.
2May it be in part because all lee sides tend to be filled by drift snow, blown and weathered rock debris?
3The drift snow like finest flour penetrating every hole and corner-flickeringup beneath one's head covering, pricking sharply as a sand blast.
4We were detained all the next day by a strong southerly wind and were much incommoded in the tents by the drift snow.
5At one side a small hole was cut to communicate with a narrow fissure which provided ventilation without allowing the entrance of drift snow.
6The thin vegetation stands half buried in sand, as in drifting snow.
7The wind swept the drifting snow in dense clouds over their heads.
8His eyes were set on the open window and the drifting snow.
9She stood still in the drifting snow, with her mouth shut hard.
10I welcome the blizzard, with its ferocious winds and deep, drifting snow.
11He thought his crime buried fathoms deep under the drifting snow heaps.
12At Barnaool I had my sleigh specially prepared to exclude drifting snow.
13Pewter ash filled the air like a thick storm of drifting snow.
14Drivers have been urged to use caution amid cold weather and drifting snow.
15It was late when she heard his tread, muffled in the drifted snow.
16The sled sank deep into the drifted snow and pulled hard.