Aún no tenemos significados para "droop in".
1The puncher saw his left eyelid droop in a wink to the conductor.
2I couldn't see his face, but the droop in his shoulders was enough.
3Light gray eyes, with a droop in the left eyelid.
4The blue pills bloomed inside Ree and suddenly made her droop in the darkness.
5He could picture the droop in the corners of her mouth as she said forlornly:
6The corners of the fairy mouth would droop in lines suggestive of penitence and contrition.
7The men droop as wheat fields droop in the sultry air of a seething day.
8A sarcastic droop in the corner of his eye showed how he pitied my ignorance.
9She simply let her ears droop in an expression of weary, exhausted unhappiness and sighed.
10Foaly dragged her to a glassy droop in the glacier, slicker than any ice rink.
11Then she began to droop in good earnest.
12You'd simply fade and droop in a schoolroom.
13But as Isabel grew better, Mary Fuller seemed to sink and droop in all her being.
14Nor does the martial spirit droop in the second tune, though the melodies are in sheer contrast.
15There was a weary droop in her voice; she seemed aware of it, and said more brightly:
16There is a droop in his shoulders.
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