Aún no tenemos significados para "duty of care".
1Landlords need to be held to account for a duty of care.
2Mr Thorburn said every employer owed their employees a duty of care.
3Universities clearly have a duty of care to their students and staff.
4We all have a duty of care to our most vulnerable citizens.
5That's where the much discussed promoter's duty of care comes into things.
6The commission owes a duty of care to the staff it employs.
7He sought damages for alleged negligence and breach of duty of care.
8Our profession has a duty of care to all people in Australia.
9They owed him a duty of care and they just neglected him.
10But it is important to balance budget against duty of care.
11The vulnerability of animals confers a duty of care on all of us.
12The State failed spectacularly in its duty of care to this unfortunate man.
13Lal also claimed negligence and breach of duty of care in his writ.
14He, and we, would argue that it shows a full duty of care.
15Moreover, no government should impede a doctor's right to meet their duty of care.
16Doctors have long been required to focus on their duty of care to patients.