Aún no tenemos significados para "easy dupe".
1A magnificent prey, which you did not like to let escape,-aneasy dupe.
2I have been an easy dupe, he said.
3After all, however, notwithstanding the indignation of Egmont, it must be confessed that he had been an easy dupe.
4For a young woman to dream that a pilgrim approaches her, she will fall an easy dupe to deceit.
5And these Romanists want to point the finger of ridicule at the simpleton, the easy dupe, the holy fool Luther!
6To some little peasant girl, perhaps, who, thinking that the lad was an easy dupe, had tried to induce him to marry her.
7But he attained this at the cost of showing himself an easy dupe to her arts, and getting well laughed at for his pains.
8Too many of these brave and honourable men were easy dupes to the designing land-speculators.
9Fortunately, American men and women are not easy dupes.
10Their confidence in their friends has no bound, while they become the easy dupes of the designing.
11Come, come, sir; you must be fresh from the Antipodes, to believe us Frenchmen such easy dupes.
12He persuaded Alexander of Russia, Francis of Austria, and Gustavus of Sweden-alleasy dupes of a greater than themselves-tomake a new coalition.
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