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Temperature has profound effects on behavior and aging in both poikilotherms and homeotherms.
Temperature is an important modulator of longevity and aging in both poikilotherms and homeotherm animals.
Temperature profoundly affects aging in both poikilotherms and homeotherms.
Usage of ectotherm in inglés
We conclude that resource-allocation patterns do vary with age in a long-lived ectotherm.
The effects of temperature on ectotherm growth have been well documented.
Taken together, this study characterises uncoupling protein activity in an ectotherm for the first time.
Here we present data on upper temperature limits of 34 tropical marine ectotherm species from seven phyla living in intertidal and subtidal habitats.
From an evolutionary point of view, producers of ectotherm eggs need therefore to time egg-laying appropriately in order to avoid unfavourable thermal nest environments.
The current paradigm for marine ectotherms is that temperature limits are set through oxygen limitation.
As "ectotherms" they depend on the external environment to control their body temperature.
Ectotherm keeper at Auckland Zoo, Ben Goodwin looks after reptiles, crabs, fish and lots of native insects.
Because turtles are long-lived ectotherms, factors such as temperature and age may affect their immune response, but comprehensive studies are lacking.
As found in other insects, CTmax was higher in larger beetles, highlighting the importance of body size on thermal tolerance in ectotherms.
Ben and his Ectotherm colleagues have bred and introduced more than four thousand threatened giant wētāpunga to islands in the Hauraki Gulf.
Because fish are ectotherms, or cold-blooded animals, they need to move to an environment with a temperature that matches their internal physiological state.