Chicken, producing a lots of eggs.
Examples for "layer"
Examples for "layer"
1These second layer regulations outnumber the 'made in Parliament' top layer laws.
2However, deposition of few-layer SnS 2 films has remained a great challenge.
3Every year a new layer was added, or should have been added.
4A simulation using a layer model yields very good agreement with experiment.
5Brexit adds another layer of governance risk onto some already risky situations.
1Her virtue was about as important as the spots on a laying hen.
2You know a laying hen from an old cock, I suppose?
3The food requirements of a laying hen are very like those of a growing chicken.
4By day 35 it looks more like a weightlifter on steroids and dwarfs the egg- laying hen.
5Several antibodies to antigens that are frequently expressed in human ovarian cancer were cross-reactive in the laying hen.
1By day 35 it looks more like a weightlifter on steroids and dwarfs the egg-laying hen.
2A series of photographs taken a few days apart showed a normal, traditionally bred egg-laying hen as it grows from chick to maturity.
Translations for egg-laying hen