Aún no tenemos significados para "embroider with silver".
1Edmure wore a blue-and-red cloak over a tunic embroidered with silver fish.
2She wore a gown embroidered with silver stars, accessorised with a halo.
3The usual ornaments of the manger are of blue satin, embroidered with silver.
4A high collar embroidered with silver bullion and scarlet edging lifted his chin.
5That part of the kesoua which covers the door is richly embroidered with silver.
6One coat was black, embroidered with silver thread, the other white worked in gold.
7Aulus had tied behind his back the sleeves of his violet robe, embroidered with silver.
8Her dress was of black grenadine embroidered with silver.
9Behind her were another richly-dressed lady, and two men in blue coats, splendidly embroidered with silver.
10He stood mere feet away, his silk suit embroidered with silver thread as well as colors.
11A samite silk gown embroidered with silver thread?
12Her girdle was embroidered with silver, and her sleeves were fastened by aiglets of the same metal.
13She wore a dark blue velvet gown embroidered with silver, with her sword hanging at her side.
14The slaves worked more eagerly; they joyfully dragged out rich carpets, veils embroidered with silver, and flowered tapestry.
15Even the quaint little shoes she wore were embroidered with silver thread and had large rosettes on them.
16Mrs. Palma looked up for an instant only from the blue sash which she was embroidering with silver.