Aún no tenemos significados para "emend".
1If his words could be lawfully shown to have such a tendency he would revoke, emend, and correct them in a Catholic spirit.
2And what a hot dash-whata dashed hot dash!' he emended, twinklingly.
3They have been somewhat emended, and a few additions have been made.
4Emended descriptions for Roseivirga ehrenbergii and for the genus Roseivirga are also given.
5You know I haven't written a line since-allthis time, he hastily emended.
6Emended descriptions of the genus Sediminibacterium and of S. salmoneum NJ44T are also proposed.
7The chronological impossibility involved in the figure is removed by Mohl who emends it to 260.
8An emended description of the genus Pedobacteris proposed.
9By water, with most editors, emends the text.
10He emended my reading of it on several points, but I had been fairly correct, on the whole.
11"He wants a frightful licking from the prefects," emended the aggrieved party.
12'A somewhat dashed, blanked idiot,' emended the bank-manager's late partner.
13The text is quite corrupt, but I insert it as I have emended it from a comparison of three copies.
14So the first edition, and the Hampshire and Winchester Editions; but Bentley emends to 'Sèvres,' which must surely be correct.
15"Or would, if he considered any other Egyptologists qualified," I emended.
16"Tied to her," Marion Reddon emended, "and truer than he otherwise might be.
Emend a través del tiempo