Examples for "missionary"
Examples for "missionary"
1Islamic militants often accuse Western aid groups of covert religious missionary work.
2The Samoan question; furor consularis; missionary squabbles; reasonableness of Minister von Bulow.
3Hand in hand the missionary and the trader have penetrated the locations.
4Massé, Father Ennemond, dies at Sillery; first missionary in Canada; monument to.
5Being the first Monday in the month, it is the missionary prayer-meeting.
1Honey, I hope you weren't planning on the standard missionary position.
2Derek and I shared an equally preppy night of the missionary position the year before.
3No one's offered her the missionary position for years.'
4Stein and I were in the missionary position with me on top, drooling contamination into his beard.
5We were not prepared for the idea of STDs, anything other than the missionary position or female condoms.
Translations for english-american position