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Significados de entirely unaltered en inglés
Aún no tenemos significados para "entirely unaltered".
Uso de entirely unaltered en inglés
With these exceptions, we left the Barrier as we found it, entirelyunaltered.
Yet there is not one single church which remains entirelyunaltered and unspoiled.
The upper terrace was the one part of the old Elizabethan garden left entirelyunaltered.
Yet this time his perceptions were entirelyunaltered.
The political organisation of Northern Syria had remained entirelyunaltered since the days when Tiglath-pileser made his first victorious inroad into the country.
His passionate support for elected mayors remains entirelyunaltered by their rejection at the polls in nine of the 10 local referenda held last May.
Their sound is like Noel Edmonds' hairstyle: it was hoisted into place at some point in 1974 and has remained almost entirelyunaltered ever since.
She had a joke in her HBO routine about inhaling helium only to discover her voice remained entirelyunaltered, but apparently this was absolutely true.