Jonathan Briggs, an environmentalconsultant and a leading mistletoe expert, said: Mistletoe is doing well right now.
A Northland environmentalconsultant says a recent council decision on genetically modified organisms was an abuse of process.
Latimer was most recently managing environmental incidents as principal environmentalconsultant for OHES Environmental Consulting, part of AJ Gallagher.
But it didn't deter anybody from what we committed to do, said Bewick, who later became an environmentalconsultant.
Buddy Mikaere is an environmentalconsultant and spoke at the Whakatane symposium about the battle of Pukehinahina in Tauranga.
The oil ministry will conduct an environmental audit of South Sudan oilfields led by a technical environmentalconsultant, Chuang said.
The Company provides geotechnical drilling services to mining or mineral exploration companies, engineering and environmentalconsultant firms, and government agencies.
Earlier in the meeting, environmentalconsultant Murray Palmer presented a report on how wastewater is reused in New Zealand and internationally.
Centerra said it would also follow previous recommendations from the government's environmentalconsultant, Amec Foster Wheeler, adding that most are fully implemented.
The British Forestry Commission has been working on this for some time, under the advice of an environmentalconsultant, Dr Ronal Pitman.
In the past, ponds captured stormwater coursing down the hillsides, said Shannon Gore, a U.S.-born environmentalconsultant and Cane Garden Bay resident.
Far more serious: Steven Andrews, an independent environmentalconsultant, made a convincing case earlier this year that China is cooking the environmental books.
Today as a keen historian and environmentalconsultant he is working on a book about the Battle of Pukehinahina (Gate Pā).
Well, one local factory has a record of paying Jiang a specific sum, under the guise of hiring him as an environmentalconsultant.
But Manawatu environmentalconsultant Greg Carlyon said the councils should be wary of putting all of their eggs in the Bonny Glen basket.
Europe's largest environmentalconsultant, RPS, has consolidated its presence in the Irish market with the acquisition of Belfast-based Kirk McClure Morton, writes Dominic Coyle.