It states unequivocally that environmentaltobaccosmoke is a serious carcinogenic.
They persist in promoting the discredited notion that environmentaltobaccosmoke is innocuous.
We observed no associations of paternal smoking during pregnancy, or environmentaltobaccosmoke exposure, with childhood-onset type 1 diabetes.
Previous research has suggested that exposure to environmentaltobaccosmoke could increase the risk of heart disease by 30 per cent.
The Irish Heart Foundation, among other impartial, independent, health-promoting organisations, accepts the scientific evidence that exposure to environmentaltobaccosmoke is harmful.
He claims that there are more dangers to smoking in one's car than those of the alleged effects of environmentaltobaccosmoke.
The Minister for Health should be pleased with research findings on environmentaltobaccosmoke prepared by three fifth-year students from Kinsale Community College.
More than 7,000 children between the age of two months and two years were monitored to estimate environmentaltobaccosmoke damage.
The etiology of these driver oncogenes in patients with NSCLC remains unknown, and environmentaltobaccosmoke (ETS) is a potential cause in these cases.
A major review of how hospitals treat children with asthma found that 32% of those treated for breathing difficulties encountered " environmentaltobaccosmoke" just beforehand.
The incidence of exposure to environmentaltobaccosmoke was significantly higher in Group 2 compared to Group 1(76.2% vs 47.7%, p=0.036).
A causal association has been established between exposure to environmentaltobaccosmoke and lung cancer, with a relative risk in the order of 1.2.