Aún no tenemos significados para "eskimo dogs".
1From the far interior valleys came the echoed wolf-howling of Eskimo dogs.
2The fierce little Eskimo dogs had smelled him, and they knew their enemy.
3And the Eskimo dogs made no movement to follow.
4Third, the use of sledges and Eskimo dogs.
5These fights are the chief amusement of the Eskimo dogs; they follow the sport with genuine passion.
6The Chukch dogs are of the same breed, but smaller, than the Eskimo dogs in Danish Greenland.
7We have attempted crossbreeding our somewhat squat-legged Eskimo dogs with Kentucky wolf hounds, to combine speed with endurance.
8No one among us, who has had long acquaintance with Eskimo dogs, doubts that they have this power.
9There came to them now in sudden chorus the wild voice of the Eskimo dogs out on the plain.
10Mr. Paul Rainey's moving pictures have shown it to us in thrilling detail, with Eskimo dogs instead of wolves.
11There are no better Eskimo dogs to be found anywhere in the far north than the husky dogs of Ungava.
12The creature behaved in an extraordinary manner, acting, in fact, just like the Eskimo dogs when those creatures run amuck.
13You have heard a great deal, very likely, about Eskimo dogs that haul the sledges over the snow in Alaska.
14The Eskimo dogs are trained to draw sledges, to which they are attached in teams of from eight to fourteen.
15There was a long wait, and then Deane and Little Mystery came back-on a sledge drawn by Eskimo dogs.
16Lying around everywhere, or skulking about the reservation, were big Eskimo dogs that looked for all the world like wolves in subjection.
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Eskimo dogs por variante geográfica