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Significados de especially intense en inglés
Aún no tenemos significados para "especially intense".
Uso de especially intense en inglés
The only exception was in April, when Greek worries became especiallyintense.
There will be an especiallyintense focus on this case, though.
Her friend seemed especiallyintense this day, his shoulders tight, his expression grim.
Her wide-set eyes seemed especiallyintense somehow, as if the mind behind them was hard at work.
So when he died suddenly at the age of 15, his family's shock and grief were especiallyintense.
Happiness, remarked Maury Noble one day, is only the first hour after the alleviation of some especiallyintense misery.
Was it especiallyintense?
Resentment is especiallyintense in Reunion because of plans to start phasing out a salary supplement of over 30 per cent.
Or a sensor that monitors heart rate and can tell you it's time to take a break from especiallyintense driving conditions.
But Laurier's love for his own country was of an especiallyintense character, because it was for a long while so deeply romantic.
In fact, a recent economic writer declares that especiallyintense competition should be called war, as, indeed, it frequently is called, rather than competition.
The result was a determined rivalry as to which pupil should collect the largest sum; and this rivalry was especiallyintense in our home coterie.
The conflict between the two men grew especiallyintense as Clinton was making up his mind whether to sign the welfare-reform bill...