Aún no tenemos significados para "eternal reprobation".
1For years and years he was haunted by the dread of eternal reprobation.
2Is he therefore the author of your perishing, or his eternal reprobation either?
3Oh, if they had only known that there is no such thing as eternal reprobation!
4Third, Another cause of eternal reprobation, is the act and working of distinguishing love, and everlasting grace.
5Death, sir, and eternal reprobation!
6The temptation then, and the fall, doth come from other means, and so the hindrance of the reprobate, than from eternal reprobation.
7Wherefore man's hindrance cometh on him from other means, even by the fall, and not by the simple act of eternal reprobation (Gen 3).
8Whether any under Eternal Reprobation have just cause to quarrel with God for not electing of them?
9Of the Unchangeableness of Eternal Reprobation.
10Whether Eternal reprobation in itself, or in its doctrine, be in very deed an hindrance to any man in seeking the salvation of his soul.
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