Salt or ester of acetic acid.
Examples for "acetate"
Examples for "acetate"
1The per centage of silver in acetate of silver is, according to
2He gave personal testimony as to the taste of acetate of morphia.
3At the final stage hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis followed by acetate oxidation dominated again.
4Hence it would appear that the acetate had rendered the leaves torpid.
5If no colour is produced, run in the uranium acetate, 1 c.c.
1Acetone, toluene, and acetates, all related to manicure services, were also measured in small quantities.
2Other constituents of the root are a bitter resin, sugar, starch, gum, albumen, and acetates.
3The acetates constitute a valuable group of medicinal agents, the potassium salt being most frequently employed.
4Lemon juice and vinegar are merely acetates and citrates of potash, and are not as good.
5Cs ions were intercalated in the lattice by the formation of short attractive contacts with the acetates.
Translations for ethanoato