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Uso de ethanolamine en inglés
Significantly, bacterial pathogens exploit ethanolamine during infection to promote growth and regulate virulence.
The established pathways from serine to ethanolamine are indirect and involve decarboxylation of phosphatidylserine.
Conjugates of DHA with ethanolamine or serotonin have previously been shown to possess anti-inflammatory and potentially neuroprotective properties.
Incubation of human red blood cell ghosts with HOHA-lactone generates CEP derivatives of membrane proteins and ethanolamine phospholipids.
These findings suggested a model in which EutH facilitates diffusion of ethanolamine into the bacterial cell in acidic environments.
Initial models suggested that EutF was involved in either ethanolamine transport or was a transcriptional regulator of an ethanolamine transporter.
This change resulted in a TonB protein with sufficient activity to restore growth on ethanolamine and eut operon expression to nearly wild-type levels.
The eutF locus of Salmonella typhimurium LT2 was identified as a locus necessary for the utilization of ethanolamine as a sole carbon source.
LPS from resistant organisms grown without colistin pressure lacked substitutions with 4-amino-arabinose or ethanolamine but was more structurally complex, with more molecular species present.
We isolated a derivative of a strain carrying allele Delta903 that regained the ability to grow on ethanolamine as a carbon and energy source.
In this article, the discovery of selective, direct acting S1P1 agonists utilizing an ethanolamine scaffold containing a terminal carboxylic acid is described.
Ethanolamine is a ubiquitous and essential molecule within a host.
Ethanolamine In last month's episode of What's Inside, this ingredient starred as a solvent in Easy-Off oven cleaner.
Significantly, bacterial pathogens exploit ethanolamine during infection to promote growth and regulate virulence.
The established pathways from serine to ethanolamine are indirect and involve decarboxylation of phosphatidylserine.
Conjugates of DHA with ethanolamine or serotonin have previously been shown to possess anti-inflammatory and potentially neuroprotective properties.