On and around the graves are planted tree euphorbias and other species of that family.
These, and any other weary-looking euphorbias can be tidied up now by cutting out the flowering stalks.
A word of caution about euphorbias: the milky sap that pours from the cut stems is highly irritant.
Wear gloves and long sleeves as euphorbias produce a toxic milky sap that when cut, will burn skin.
The country rose from the river in a long gentle slope grown with low brush and scattered candlestick euphorbias.
In the savannas the most characteristic trees are the monkey bread tree or baobab (Adanisonia digitata), doom palm (Hyphaene) and euphorbias.
Such hard-working species are plentiful, but at this season it is the euphorbias, or spurges, that are toiling away in the spring garden.
Euphorbias, in Europe mere shrubs, were here smooth-limbed trees, with large flowers.
The Euphorbias were all in flower, but this thing had none.
There were scattered, at wide intervals, the Palafoxia linearis, Atriplex, Encelia farinosa, Daleas, Euphorbias, and a Simsia, described by Dr. Torrey as a new species.