(Intensifier for adjectives) very.
Examples for "ever"
Examples for "ever"
1Question: Nobody likes me, especially at any company I ever work for.
2But do we ever pause to ask: is the state entirely necessary?
3Have you ever seen the 'animal' you call a Flathead? she said.
4EBONY: Last question: would you ever go back to reality TV again?
5And I said: Come on, Grandma, what animals ever choose their pet-human?
1And it has been ever so long since I tasted fresh information.
2There's also that ever so rare festival occurrence: a free open-air concert.
3He studied the water moving ever so slowly past the imprisoned hull.
4However others had pointed out it was ever so-slightly over the top.
5Something stirred ever so faintly in the remote recesses of the billiard-room.
6The ship lay quiet, rocking ever so lightly in the small swell.
7I lift my glass to her, ever so slightly, and say, 'Cheers.'
8Thank you ever so much, Katie told her as they exchanged hugs.
9Smiling ever so slightly in amusement, Adama noted, People always say that.
10The Dutch are ever so much better at sailing than the French!
11It is long, ever so long; and my legs are very short.
12Her hair and eyes were very dark; she looked ever so capable.
13The boy pulled the flap aside ever so little and peered out.
14Brush them ever so lightly and the bloom is off the wings.
15She has ever so many friends; a great many more than I.
16I have been grown up in lots of ways ever so long.