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Significados de examine individually en inglés
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Uso de examine individually en inglés
The Geneva Convention on refugees requires signatories to examineindividually each claim for protection submitted by an asylum seeker on their soil.
But if from general view we descend to particular inspection, and examineindividually the persons who compose this community, they will certainly rise in estimation.
The Home Office spokeswoman said cases were examinedindividually on their merits.
Each one of them needs to be examinedindividually and practised thoroughly.
Athletes' scores were examinedindividually using the reliable-change methodology.
Data regarding participants' health risk behaviors were examinedindividually and cumulatively for predicting later CVD diagnosis.
Potential confounders were first examinedindividually using logistic regression, and then included simultaneously together within a mixed-effects logistic regression model.
Increasing evidence of functional and transcriptional heterogeneity in phenotypically similar cells examinedindividually has prompted interest in obtaining parallel methylome data.
They are being examinedindividually at Dublin City University to ensure they can cope with the increased demands of modern-day refereeing.
Religious activity was examined first as a single composite construct and then split into three component variables that were examinedindividually.
However, when examinedindividually, the OSC noted that each activity may not on its own constitute an act in furtherance of a trade.
Results: Analyses revealed that drug use by self and sex partners ( examinedindividually and together) were positively related to risk episodes.
The association of factors was examinedindividually and combined into a lifestyle score with 5-year mortality from all-causes, colorectal cancer, and cardiovascular disease (CVD).