Aún no tenemos significados para "exploit by".
1The exploit by which a young Nez Percé won his name, and his further prowess, are related.
2On their way back they met Fitzpatrick returning to his camp; and finished their exploit by rifling and nearly stripping him.
3The puppy repaid this life-saving exploit by growling still more wrathfully and by snapping in helpless menace at the big dog's nose.
4The version of Sendmail run by System X had a security hole Anthrax could exploit by sending himself a tiny backdoor program.
5This is the man a pillmaker could exploit by bringing out a product called simply The Pill, like The Game, or The Thing.
6Upon hearing this the Norsemen realized that they had stumbled upon something too great for them to be able to exploit by themselves.
7The cap and mantle of Tyrone, by his side, told too plainly of the daring and dangerous exploit by which his escape had been effected.
8This approach has two problems, both of which were exploited by Barclays.
9Elephants are intelligent animals whose sophisticated social ties are exploited by poachers.
10The legislative loopholes are also being exploited by governments, institutions and organisations.
11The second is that his saintliness is being exploited by the Tories.
12No country had been so shamelessly exploited by foreign capital as Mexico.
13This was to protect farmers from being exploited by big institutional buyers.
14This feeling was undoubtedly exploited by the Japanese for their own purposes.
15Farmers say those sites are exploited by corrupt officials and smugglers.
16Some foreign workers say they will still be exploited by employers.