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Meanings of expressing very in inglés
We have no meanings for "expressing very" in our records yet.
Usage of expressing very in inglés
The smugglers grumbled and swore, expressingvery little confidence in the seamanship of the dockyard maties.
By next May, their supporters might be expressingvery different views on the effects of foreign investment.
Cultured astrocytes expressingvery low levels of MHC class I protein are killed efficiently by MHC class I antigen-specific CTL.
Photo: UC Berkeley Right wing opinions were dominant and if you were expressingvery left wing views you were under attack.
And Miss Winchelsea wrote to Helen for the first time after the Roman journey, saying nothing about the marriage, but expressingvery cordial feelings.
They inspected another dress, and then another and another,-notall of them were green,-Jethroexpressingvery decided if not expert views on each of them.