It will be extraordinarilyclose anyway-probablya matter of a vote or two.
The lightweight double produces extraordinarilyclose races and this semi followed the pattern.
For starters they learned that Ohioans had paid extraordinarilyclose attention to the legislative debate over payday.
The same files show Dr Kissinger enjoyed an " extraordinarilyclose" relationship with President Nixon during his time in office.
Bettina and her mother had an extraordinarilyclose bond-manypeople said that they were more like sisters than mother and daughter.
Trinity beat UCD in an extraordinarilyclose men's senior eights final at the University Championships of Ireland at the National Rowing Centre.
We spend an afternoon together, the 15-year-olds demonstrating the extraordinarilyclose study of the band that occupies its followers, day to day.
In the semi-circle of slaughter around Ypres the trenches of the Allies and the Germans are at nearly all points extraordinarilyclose together.
I thought it was an extraordinarilyclose bond of sympathy and mutual understanding, brought about principally by our enjoyment of one another's music.
I was extraordinarilyclose to her husband, Steve, as well, and we all took ski vacations together and enjoyed each other's company enormously.
Ireland and the United States have an extraordinarilyclose relationship which has been greatly strengthened by President Clinton's involvement with the Northern Ireland peace process.