A small rectangular piece of cloth, often formed like a pouch, that is made of terrycloth and used to wash one's body.
Examples for "flannel"
Examples for "flannel"
1The costume is made of glossy sateen; the sandals of canton flannel.
2The inner garment-theflannel shirt-wasin a very tolerable state of preservation.
3The great flannel shirts you had, what do you remember about them?
4She gently and timidly stroked the shoulder of the rough flannel shirt.
5Every day, I wore Dennis's flannel fishing jacket over my normal clothes.
1It's just me. Adam wetted a washcloth and handed it to David.
2She brought out a damp washcloth and put it on my forehead.
3He saw another one wring out a washcloth and clean another table.
4Thanks for leaving your slimy washcloth in the middle of the shower.
5I handed Grady the washcloth, and he went out the back door.
1He rinsed the washrag in the sink and handed it to me.
2We can put some bakin soda on a washrag and cool that off some.
3I've got only a toothbrush, a comb, a washrag and a cake of soap.
4Didi went to the bathroom, wet a washrag, and brought it out for Laura.
5She began to pull the finger out straight, and Laura screamed behind the washrag.
1Pilled a wash cloth with razor blades and several slivers of soap.
2The recommendation is to use a wet wash cloth to clean up.
3After the massage, wet a wash cloth in water slightly chilled, and lay over the face.
4To do the OCM, all you need is your oil mix, some hot water, and a wash cloth.
5Then get a cotton pad or a wash cloth and soak it in the hottest water you can handle.
1A bar of PH-balanced face soap and a face cloth.
2Use a towel or face cloth moistened with warm water to remove traces of the scrub.
3Hazel wiped her whole face with a fresh tissue, as though it were a face cloth.
4Use white cotton curtain cords for the girdle and make the hood of the Turkish face cloth.
5Do it gently with an oil cleanser or balm followed by warm water and a face cloth.
6I had to bring a face cloth, towel and change of underwear and trousers everywhere I went.
7Then he poured water from a pitcher into a bowl, placed a face cloth inside and walked back to her.
8If you've got radiators on, put a warm, wet face cloth with a drop of lavender on it over the radiator.
9Each pamper pack contains body wash, hand cream, Lip Ice, a face cloth, Bio Oil, nail polish, a snack and some water.
10An alcohol-free wash or lotion is ideal, especially used with a towelling face cloth (clean each morning) to help prevent blackheads.
11Good crash face cloths cost 5 cents and even less.
12Hot, wet face cloths were regularly passed and many Chinese daily newspapers were sold on the train, a traveler often buying two.
13You'll find no scrubs on this list because I strongly believe exfoliating should be done with face cloths and acid solutions, rather than hard grains.
Translations for face cloth