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Significados de fascist dictatorship en inglés
Aún no tenemos significados para "fascist dictatorship".
Uso de fascist dictatorship en inglés
I would prefer to move on from Catholic nationalism than from fascistdictatorship.
For Italy to own Fiume, it had to become the world's first fascistdictatorship.
They want to end the right to vote and set up a one-party fascistdictatorship.
The fascistdictatorship, racial laws and deaths it caused are the darkest page in Italian and European history.
During the fascistdictatorship in Rumania censorship existed, which prevented publication of statements on behalf of the Jews.
The paramilitary Guardia Civil, strongly associated in some people's minds with the fascistdictatorship, is rarely seen in the region.
Guardian has called that plan a " fascistdictatorship," and state Assembly leaders on Thursday advanced an alternate rescue package with softer takeover provisions.
Article 155 of the 1978 constitution has never been used in a country where fascistdictatorship is a living memory.
Atlantic City Mayor Don Guardian called the takeover legislation a " fascistdictatorship." Christie called Guardian, who was initially supportive, a "liar." Then came schools.
Instead of ending his life and saving Italy years of Fascistdictatorship and Europe a million lives, her own life is effectively ended here.