Aún no tenemos significados para "feasting with".
1After feasting with shining candles, to be in the darkness of a prayer-house.
2Seeing that you are feasting with your friends, I bring you these fish.
3It was a pity, he thought, that Admetus was not feasting with him.
4I hope you don't plan to sit up all night feasting with your lords.
5The three were quickly seated at the pine table and feasting with keen enjoyment.
6Strange that he is not feasting with the rest.
7Meanwhile, King James and his nobles were feasting with Sir Oliver, in the great hall.
8He is convivial, feasting with Roman officials and sinners.
9The summer passed feasting with the Mandans and smoking the calumet of peace; but all was in vain.
10They are of the peasant type and good laborers, but given to occasional indulgence in feasting with alcoholic embellishments.
11One day I was feasting with my guests, and when I got drunk I became angry with my wife.
12I ate supper, feasting with appetite on an excellent piece of seal liver whose flavor reminded me of pork.
13Then bade Siegmund have cried to all his men, that he would hold a feasting with his loving kindred.
14The earl and the king were feasting with their followers when word was brought them that the Birchlegs were approaching.
15Not far from this room is a large hall where he is in the habit of feasting with his companions.
16Very shortly after his return, he was struck with a fit of apoplexy, while feasting with the King at Easter.
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